
The Cost of Refrigeration Equipment Breakdowns in Grocery & Convenience Stores

Stewart White
Account Executive US

Temperature control is a critical component of food supply chain management to ensure the safety and freshness of perishable products. When refrigeration equipment breaks down in a grocery or convenience store, and temperatures rise, it can have serious consequences for the business and the brand. However, the likelihood of unexpected breakdown can be significantly reduced with the proper precautions.

In this article, I want to explore the costs associated with refrigeration equipment breakdowns and highlight how wireless temperature monitoring solutions can mitigate the risks.

The Economic Impact of Cold Storage Breakdowns

The most obvious consequence of a breakdown is food loss. Losing product is a direct financial hit to a food retailer's bottom line, one that hits particularly hard if the loss comes from high-value products such as meat, seafood, and dairy.

The team at RaceTrac told us that the value of the contents of a typical sandwich cooler is $800. If the temperature of that cooler were to enter the danger zone, they have to throw all of those products away. That loss is drastically higher if it is a full walk-in freezer or a case of steaks at a grocery store.

Early Warning Systems

By continuously monitoring the temperature of refrigeration units using an automated system, store teams will receive the earliest possible warning of a rising temperature, which can indicate an issue, allowing for action before products are compromised.

What is important here is that the alerts generated from sensor data are reliable. If a system generates an alert every time a walk-in fridge door opens, the staff may start to ignore it. The alert should be delivered only when conditions inside the fridge or freezer mean the food is at risk.

Preventing Premature Breakdowns

Urgently repairing or replacing broken refrigeration equipment costs much more than regular preventative maintenance. When a breakdown occurs, businesses may face emergency service fees, expedited parts costs, and potential downtime that can disrupt operations and lead to lost revenue. We have even heard of businesses transporting goods from one location to another in effort to save them.

Automated temperature monitoring systems can help mitigate these costs by providing early warnings of potential issues, allowing for preemptive maintenance and repairs. Businesses can create reports on temperature fluctuations to identify patterns that indicate if equipment is deteriorating. By proactively addressing the issues identified, companies can reduce the impact of equipment failures, saving money on short- and long-term maintenance and repairs.

Protecting Brand Reputation

In addition to direct costs, cold storage breakdowns can also have indirect economic consequences. A breakdown can tarnish a company's reputation, decreasing consumer trust and, in the worst case, market share. Customers who experience product shortages or recalls due to cold storage failures may lose confidence in the company's ability to provide safe and reliable products.

This summer, I was in a grocery store where the staff was in crisis mode after realizing too late that an ice cream freezer had stopped working. It had broken down overnight, and melting ice cream was dripping everywhere. The impact of an incident like that isn't only the financial loss of the product. Customers saw what was happening, couldn't buy ice cream on one of the hottest days of the year, and had to wait to make their purchases while staff cleaned up the mess. 

Compliance with Regulations

While the direct financial costs of cold storage equipment breakdowns can hurt, the potential for legal and regulatory repercussions may be even more damaging. Non-compliance with food safety regulations can result in fines, penalties, and legal action. A high-profile food poisoning outbreak linked to contaminated food stored in a malfunctioning refrigeration unit could significantly affect a company's brand and operations.

Fortunately, by providing detailed temperature level records, sensor data can provide evidence of compliance with regulatory standards. By documenting and understanding temperature fluctuations and identifying potential issues early, businesses can take proactive steps to prevent food safety incidents and protect their brand reputation.

Preventing Data Loss During Power Outages

A valuable feature that we offer at Disruptive Technologies is Data Backfill. It ensures that no temperature data is lost if a sensor is offline, for example, during a power outage. The sensors store data locally until they reconnect, guaranteeing complete records for regulatory compliance.

It is a common concern for grocery and convenience stores that loss might occur due to a power outage or equipment failures overnight. Automated temperature monitoring eliminates this risk by providing immediate notifications of a temperature increase out of hours.

The Value of Automated Temperature Monitoring

Effective temperature monitoring can help prevent cold storage equipment breakdowns and minimize their consequences. By providing real-time data on temperature levels, this approach can help identify potential issues early and take corrective action before a breakdown occurs.

Disruptive Technologies offers the easiest-deploy and maintain sensor-based temperature monitoring solution on the market. We help companies like RaceTrac and H&S Energy with real-time data, alerts, and analytics to enable proactive asset management and prevent breakdowns. Our wireless sensors are easy to install and require no wiring or pairing, making them ideal for almost any location and store type.

By investing in automated temperature monitoring solutions, grocery and convenience stores can reduce the risks associated with equipment breakdowns and protect their valuable assets.

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